Accounts Payable Metrics that Matter in 2024

Ardent Partners latest report reveals the strategies and technologies Best-in-Class AP teams are deploying to stay ahead of the pack.

Why do metrics matter? Why are they even more critical in 2024? Effective use of real-time metrics enables continuous improvement, facilitates setting proper goals, and ensures course correction – all critical factors in a very competitive landscape.

Ardent Partners’ latest ‘Accounts Payable Metrics that Matter’ report shines a light on the current state of accounts payable and its continuing evolution. Sponsored by Tradeshift, the full report reveals the strategies and technologies Best-in-Class AP leaders use to optimize performance.

Here’s a glimpse of what you can learn from the report:

  • AP’s rising star: AP departments are increasingly recognized for their strategic value. Are you among the high percentage perceived as “very” or “exceptionally” valuable by stakeholders?
  • The age of AP innovation has begun: Is it time to consider AI? Technological advancements like AI and data analytics offer AP departments a chance to streamline processes, reduce costs, and deliver greater value.
  • Smarter future starts now: Improving reporting and data analytics remains a top priority for AP leaders, enabling better decision-making and informed planning. Are you leveraging your data to stay ahead of the competition?
  • A more strategic agenda for 2024: Is your AP department digitally transformed? Beyond improved reporting, AP leaders prioritize enabling electronic invoicing, automation, eliminating paper tasks, and reducing processing costs.

How does your AP department stack up? Is it ready to take the next step and enter the age of intelligent accounts payable? Download the report to find out.

Access the full Ardent Report

The value of AP automation goes beyond cost savings

The key benefits of payables automation include not just transactional cost savings. The right platform will improve collaboration with your suppliers and help build resilience in your supply chain. Companies also need flexibility to scale and grow. AP solutions like Tradeshift, represent a platform that encourages you to grow at your own pace.

Tradeshift has millions of connections in over 160 countries in the world and we offer global e-invoicing compliance – so really, the sky is the limit.

Our clients

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