Supplier Subscriptions with Tradeshift

The subscription model from Tradeshift delivers value and ensures quality of service.

Tradeshift Supplier Subscription

As a supplier, you need an effective way to manage your invoicing processes without compromising on your existing systems. Tradeshift is designed to cater to the diverse needs of suppliers looking to streamline their invoicing processes. Suppliers have access to our efficient invoicing platform, which automates the entire process, from invoice creation to tracking and resolution.

Our subscription tiers have increasing levels of value, including outbound e-invoicing, archiving, and integration support.

Seller Subscription Plans

ServiceStartupBusiness *Growth *Enterprise *
Invoice Submission and Order Capture
Ticket System Support
Live Chat Support
Integration Support

*How we Calculate
Tradeshift Network Subscription plans to use transaction volumes (invoices and credit notes, not POs) to calculate tiers. Companies with less than 600 transactions will be in the Startup tier. Between 601 and 3000 transactions per year is for the Business tier, and the Growth Subscription supports those within the 3001 to 12,000 transaction band. Enterprise is the top tier for companies with more than 12,000 transactions. In addition to Transaction volumes, sellers will only qualify for a paid tier if their total spend is above $100,000 in the past 12 months.

Expand your e-Invoicing Capabilities with Tradeshift

We offer a range of valuable services to support your business now and in the long run. With Tradeshift, you can optimize your invoicing and payment processes seamlessly without disrupting your existing workflow. Tradeshift offers every organization the ability to expand their digital transformation by sending e-invoices to additional customers via the network.

E-invoicing Options

Tradeshift supports multiple options for e-invoicing, including EDI, Portal, Email, PDF, network interoperability, and clearance gateways. With Tradeshift, you can send 100% of your invoices as e-invoices. (FYI – you can also receive your invoices as e-Invoices)

Simplified Invoicing

Effortlessly optimize your invoicing process by smoothly creating and sending invoices directly to your valued customers, increasing efficiency and reducing errors.

Increased Visibility

Improve your cash flow and client updates with real-time invoice status notifications and advanced archiving for secure storage, and easily integrate with your business tools to boost productivity.

Future-Proof Digital Solutions

Ensure global invoicing compliance and protect yourself from legal and tax issues with Tradeshift’s country compliance consultancy and expert analysis.

Frequently Asked Questions

Every seller transacting 601 invoices or more per year, with a spend over $100,000 aggregated across all Buyers they do business with, will be in a paid subscription tier.

We continuously analyze network traffic, primarily to ensure invoices go where they are sent. We can see the volume of all outbound invoices sent by any seller to all their customers. Every seller sending over 600 invoices per year will be in a paid subscription tier.


Or if you’ve already signed up, contact your dedicated support team (via ticket or live chat).

Access to Tradeshift services will become limited. We will work with you to navigate what this means for your particular account, documents and connections in the network.

With your subscription, you gain access to unparalleled value (we’ve checked and we still think we beat the rest of the market 😉):

  • Document Storage: Store and access your important documents securely, providing you with peace of mind and organizational efficiency.
  • Integration Updates and Maintenance: Our dedicated team will work closely with you to manage your existing integrations and take care of any future updates needed. Additionally, we can work with you to connect with additional customers across the Tradeshift Network.
  • Accelerated Digital Transformation & Support: We want to help you digitally transform your invoicing process. With Tradeshift you can send 100% of your invoices as e-invoices. This includes sending to customers on the Tradeshift Network and those not on the network.
  • Reduce Costs: You already save costs by sending invoices across the Tradeshift network. We can help you increase your e-invoice volumes, increasing your savings while lowering your days sales outstanding (DSO).
  • Improve Cash Flows: e-Invoices are more likely to be processed automatically. Every e-invoice sent through Tradeshift is more likely to get paid on-time or even early. This directly improves your cashflows and strengthens your business..
  • Collaboration Tools: You may or may not know, but via Tradeshift, you can collaborate with your customers around an individual invoice. It’s faster than a phone call and every conversation via the network becomes part of the invoice record – which is great for future audits.

Look for the link in your email (coming from: you can submit the correct billing details there.

Billing will be done once per year, starting at the commencement of the subscription. You can either pay by card immediately or be sent an invoice.

Yes! Tradeshift has an extensive self-service hub, known as the Knowledge Base. The Knowledge Base includes written articles and video guides about the Tradeshift platform and its features, as well as company-specific documentation, put together especially for you by the customers you are connected to.

You can access the Knowledge Base directly via this link or by clicking on the Knowledge Base icon located on the left panel on the Tradeshift platform.

In order to ensure that you have access to all the available content, make sure to log into the Tradeshift platform.

Our vision and mission for Tradeshift’s future: To digitally connect every company in the world, creating economic opportunity for all by building technologies that help companies grow by providing access to affordable capital, increased efficiency, and digital global trade.