E-Reporting in France: Obligations and Statuses

Your guide to the new e-Reporting System in France

Along with the new e-invoicing mandate changes in French finance law, there are also several requirements for e-reporting. These requirements are designed to capture data that isn’t provided in e-invoicing flows, in e-reporting of lifecycle status changes, and in payment receipts that relate to e-invoicing flows. If you will be using a PDP (plateforme de dématérialisation partenaire), your data will be supported and converted into the right format and sent to the PPF (Portail Public de Facturation). However, it’s important to understand what you will need to provide so that you can assess your readiness when the new laws come into effect.

Don’t fall behind in maintaining compliance; stay ahead by reading our eBook on E-Reporting in France: Obligations and Statuses.

Download the E-book

Enable transparency

Lifecycle and payment statuses allow both buyers and sellers visibility into internal processes.

Meet content requirements

Clean and correctly formatted data helps speed up compliant e-reporting with ease.

Stay compliant

As a PDP, we can help you discover the steps you need to take to ensure compliance with these impending changes.