Accounts payable pro tips as told through your favorite gifs. Because what’s better than processing invoices? Gifs, for one. Go ahead and enjoy, and learn something in the process.
Did you say year-end close?
Just kidding, don’t procrastinate! Don’t wait to get your year-end close done. (And hey, it’s March, so we’re guessing you’re done already.) You’ll be happy you did it, and when you get it done quickly, you’ll have plenty of time to use what you’ve learned to apply it to what you’re doing now to prepare for next year.
Get rid of the paper
That paper. It’s a heart attack. You don’t have to live in a manual world just because it’s always been that way. Think about other things that have “always been that way.” Like dentists and traffic. Anyway, AP departments are moving toward digital and automated solutions. Join them! There’s a ton to gain and a lot of paper to lose. Just the way you like it.
Teach Teamwork
Teach your coworkers how to support your initiatives. When you have open communication channels, and readily communicate to your company why you want to achieve certain goals, they’ll be more likely to help you, making your whole job more streamlined and less trouble.
Keep growing
Keep learning. Once you’ve mastered the tools at your job, use them to make your job even more automated and streamlined. Think about what your role will look like in the future and lay the necessary groundwork to thrive going forward.
Start saving
Practically speaking, when we talk about AP automation, we talk about it in terms of how great it is for you, the specialist. And while that’s true, it’s also very true for your boss that it will save them a whole lot of money when it’s implemented correctly. And that’s the sort of virtue a financial department can get behind.
Want a more in-depth set of pro tips for accounts payable? Download a copy of our e-book and hear from the pros.
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